COVID Protocol for a safe return to sport

COVID Protocols - As of August 24, 2020

1 - Cohort Training Model

Members are assigned to a cohort training group. This is an agreement and acknowledgement that physical distancing is not always possible during practices. It is also an agreement that masks will be used and members will maintain physical distancing from all other people who are not part of their cohort or the member's core cohort.

2 - General Training Changes

  • Changing - is only done after a practice. Members must arrive showered and in swim clothes under their street clothes. They can derobe quickly and store their bags in the locker room. Cleansing showers and full changing is only done after practice. Members who arrive late will derobe on the pool deck and store belongings on the pool deck.

  • Masks - must be worn once inside the facility right up until the moment of getting in the water and immediately following exiting the water.

  • Water bottles - must be thoroughly cleaned and filled at home before each practice and clearly marked with the member's name.

  • Pull Buoys - are not going to be stored and shared this season. For members who need a pull buoy, one will be sanitized and provided to a member to keep for the season. If it is not returned in good condition, the member will be charged for the replacement.

  • Physical Distancing - must be maintained right up until the point of getting into the water. The workout will be provided in a manner to limit clustering or grouping.

  • Social Events - will not be taking place this year unless it is possible to take place outside and physical distancing is able to be maintained. This is in response to current health guidelines and our cohort training model.

3 - Health Monitoring before EACH Practice

Members must complete the online screening tool for the club for each practice. They will also be signed in to each practice for actual attendance and contact tracing.

If a member answers YES to any question on the checklist, they must not go to practice but instead either call 811 or take the AHS Online Assessment Tool.

Members must inform the club about the results of their assessment, whether it is isolation or covid test so the remaining members of the cohort can be informed whether they need to monitor for symptoms or also go for a covid test.

4 - Screening and Response Plan

If a member is required to isolate due to symptoms but is not recommended to go for a COVID test, the cohort will continue but all members who had contact with the individual will be notified to monitor for symptoms and isolate / complete AHS tool as needed.

If a member is indicated to get a COVID test, the cohort will be suspended for at least 14 days and all members will be informed to contact 811 and AHS for further steps.

The cohort will resume after at least 14 days and members can return when they have successfully completed their appropriate follow-up or isolation requirements from AHS.